51. Which of the following statements on George Lamming’s In the Castle of My Skin [1953] is not true ?
(A) On one level this is a comingof- age story.
(B) It is an elegiac account of a village’s growth into awareness in the late colonial period.
(C) Its themes parody The Tempest.
(D) This was George Lamming’s first novel.

52. We are likely to misunderstand an Emily Dickinson poem if we take her famous dashes to be …
(A) quite specific and unambiguous
(B) ambiguous and indeterminate
(C) suggestive of both forward and backward movements in terms of sense
(D) suggestive of links but equivocally

53. Readers of Tayeb Salih’s Seasons of Migration to the North will undoubtedly notice its parallels with the story/stories of :
I. Death in Venice
II. Othello
III. Bartleby the Scrivener
IV. Heart of Darkness .
Of the above :
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) Only IV is correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) II and IV are correct.
54. Which statement is not true of Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities ?
(A) It is a prosaic response to the myth of El Dorado.
(B) It is subtitled Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism.
(C) In this book, Anderson advances the view that nations are not natural entities but narrative constructs.
(D) In Anderson’s view, modern nationalism was basically a consequence of the convergence of capitalism, the new print technology and the fixity that resulted from print extending to ‘Vernacular’ languages.

55. ‘By swaggering could I never thrive, For the rain it raineth everyday.’ These lines from Twelfth Night occur in the novel :
(A) Middlemarch
(B) Vanity Fair
(C) Our Mutual Friend
(D) Far From the Madding Crowd

56. What is a mock-heroic poem ?
A mock-heroic poem
(A) mocks at heroic pretensions in poets and critics
(B) mocks heroism, an exaggerated virtue in all epics
(C) uses a heroic style to deride airs and affectations
(D) uses a mocking style to deride heroes and hero-worship

57. Which of the following statements is not true of Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy ?
(A) It has a linear plot.
(B) It opens and ends with the theme of birth.
(C) It contains a trip to France.
(D) It contains a marbled page.

58. In drama, an aside is addressed…
(A) to an audience by an actor; the words so spoken are not meant to be heard by other actors on the stage.
(B) to other actors on the stage; the words so spoken are not meant to be heard by the audience.
(C) by the playwright to the audience.
(D) by the protagonist to his/her antagonist

59. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below :
List – I (Novels)                                List – II (Last Lines)
i. The Mayor of Casterbridge    1. ‘He walked towards the faintly humming, glowing town, quickly.’
ii. Sons and Lovers                      2. ‘In their death, they were not divided.’
iii. The Great Gatsby                  3. ‘Happiness was but the occasional episode in a general drama of pain.’
iv. The Mill on the Floss             4. ‘So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.’
Codes :
       i ii iii iv
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 3 1 4 2

60. “There is nothing outside the text,” is a statement by
(A) Victor Shklovsky
(B) Jacques Derrida
(C) Roland Barthes
(D) Ferdinand de Saussure

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