31. “Kubla Khan” takes an epigraph from
(A) Samuel Purchas’ Purchas His Pilgrimage
(B) Hakluyt’s Voyages
(C) The Book Named the Governour
(D) Sir Thomas More’s Utopia

32. Which of the following author– theme is correctly matched ?
(A) The Battle of the Books - Tribute to “The rude forefathers of the hamlet”.
(B) The Rape of 
the Lock - Quarrel between  ancient and modern authors.
(C) Gray’s 
“Elegy” - Accumulation of wealth and the consequent loss of human lives and values.
The Deserted Village - Quarrel  between two  families caused by Lord Petre.

33. Which among the following titles set a course for academic literary feminism ?
(A) Nostromo
(B) From Ritual to Romance
(C) A Room of One’s Own
(D) A Dance to the Music of Time
34. In which play do we see a reworking of E.M.Forster’s A Passage to India as a camaeo ?
(A) The Birthday Party
(B) A Resounding Tinkle
(C) Indian Ink
(D) Amadeus
35. Shakespeare’s sonnets
(A) do not carry a dedication.
(B) are dedicated to James I of England.
(C) are dedicated to Mary Arden.
(D) are dedicated to an unknown “Mr. W.H.”

36. Which of the following poems uses terza rima ?
(A) John Keats’s “Ode to a Nightingale”
(B) P.B. Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind”
(C) William Wordsworth’s “The Solitary Reaper”
(D) Alfred Tennyson’s “Ulysses”
37. When one says that “someone is no more” or that “someone has breathed his/ her last”, the speaker is resorting to
(A) euphism
(B) euphony
(C) understatement
(D) euphemism

38. Which of the following are “companion poems” ?
(A) “Gypsy songs” and “Songs and Sonnets”
(B) “L’Allegro” and “II Penseroso”
(C) “The Good Morrow” and “The Sun Rising”
(D) “Full Fathom Five” and “Hark, Hark! the Lark”

39. What does the term episteme signify ?
(A) Knowledge
(B) Archive
(C) Theology
(D) Scholarship

40. Which of the following is a better definition of an image in literary writing ?
(A) A reflection
(B) A speaking picture
(C) A refraction
(D) A reflected picture

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