41. Isaac Bashevis Singer is an
(A) African-American writer
(B) American-Jewish writer
(C) American-Indian writer
(D) American-Asian writer

42. Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot has
(A) three Acts 

(B) five Acts
(C) four Acts 
(D) two Acts

43. James Joyce’s Exiles is a
(A) Short Story 
(B) Poem
(C) Play 
(D) Novel

44. “It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen" – is the opening sentence of
(A) Ulysses
(B) Nostromo
(C) Chrome Yellow
(D) Nineteen Eighty-Four

45. The subtitle of William Godwin’s Caleb Williams is
(A) Man As He Is Not
(B) Man As He Is
(C) Things As They Are
(D) The Pupil of Nature

46. Who amongst the following belongs to the group of radical feminists ?
(A) Helene Cixous
(B) Monica Wittig
(C) Simone de Beauvoir
(D) Luce Irigaray

47. “On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth” is a longer essay by
(A) G. Wilson Knight
(B) A. C. Bradley
(C) Thomas De Quincey
(D) F. R. Leavis

48. The expression, “dreaming house” is an example of
(A) Zeugma
(B) Transferred epithet
(C) Chiasmus
(D) Apostrophe

49. The term ‘Practical Criticism’ is coined by
(A) William Empson
(B) W. K. Wimsatt, Jr.
(C) I.A. Richards
(D) F. R. Leavis

50. Victor Shklovsky’s name is associated with
(A) Post-modernism
(B) New Historicism
(C) Reader Response Theory
(D) Russian Formalism

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