51. Based on the following description, identify the text in reference : This is a play in which no one comes, no one goes, nothing happens. In its opening scene a man struggles hard to remove his boot. The play was originally written in French, later translated into English. It was first performed in 1953.
(A) Look Back in Anger
(B) Waiting for Godot
(C) The Zoo Story
(D) The Birthday Party

52. One of the following Canterbury Tales is in prose, identify.
(A) The Pardoner’s Tale
(B) The Parson’s Tale
(C) The Monk’s Tale
(D) The Knight’s Tale

53. In his distinction between imagination and fancy, Coleridge identifies the following :
(a) it dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to recreate.
(b) it has aggregative and associative power.
(c) it plays with fixities and definites.
(d) it has shaping and modifying power. The correct combination reads :
(A) (a) and (b) for fancy; (c) and (d) for imagination.
(B) (a) and (c) for fancy; (b) and (d) for imagination.
(C) (b) and (c) for fancy; (a) and (d) for imagination.
(D) (c) and (d) for fancy; (a) and (b) for imagination.

54. Julia Kristeva’s ‘Intertextuality’ derives from :
(a) Saussure’s signs
(b) Chomsky’s deep structure
(c) Bakhtin’s dialogism
(d) Derrida’s difference
(A) (a) and (d) 

(B) (a) and (c)
(C) (c) and (d) 
(D) (a) and (b)

55. Ralph Ellison enjoys subverting myths about white purity through characters like :
(a) Norton 
(b) Bledsoe
(c) Rhinehart 
(d) all of the above
(A) (a) and (b) 
(B) (a), (b) and (c)
(C) (b) and (c) 
(D) (a) and (c)

56. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Ralph Waldo Emerson ?
(A) He wrote essays on New England scenery, woodcraft and plantations
(B) He was an eloquent pulpit orator, a member of the Unitarian Church under William Chawming.
(C) In essays like “Nature”, he elaborates on the importance of seeing familiar things in new ways.
(D) His famous “American Scholar” was delivered as an address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge in 1837.

57. “Exorcism” is the title of Act III of who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? What is the significance of ‘exorcism’ in the context of the play ?
(A) The casting out of evil spirits
(B) Deconstructing of myths involving marriage, fertility and sons
(C) Facing life without illusions
(D) Exposing all attempts at illusionmaking

58. “Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender”. This is an important statement defining the womanist perspective advanced by
(A) Toni Morrison
(B) Zora Neale Hurston
(C) Alice Walker
(D) Bell Hooks

59. Identify the mismatched pair in the following where characters in Golding’s Lord of the Flies fit the allegorized pattern of virtues and vices.
(A) Ralph - rationality
(B) Piggy - pragmatism
(C) Jack - pity
(D) Simon – innocence

60. A Subaltern perspective is one where
(A) Power-structures define and determine your command of language and language of command in an uneven world.
(B) The politically dispossessed could be voiceless, written out of the historical record and ignored because their activities do not count for “Cultural” or “Structured”.
(C) You don’t know what your ‘story’ is, how to deal with a ‘story’ and therefore you are forced to put stereotyped situations in it to please your listeners.
(D) You begin to see how we live, how we have been living, how we have been led to imagine ourselves, how our language has trapped as well as liberated us.

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