41.Which famous English novel opens with a young woman who is 'handsome, clever and rich' ?
(A) Middlemarch
(B) Wuthering Heights
(C) Moll Flanders
(D) Emma

42.It appears that in Paradise Lost Book I “Milton belongs to the Devil's party without knowing it”. Who among the following made this statement ?
(A) Frank Kermode
(B) William Empson
(C) C.S. Lewis
(D) William Blake

43.Live Like Pigs is :
(A) a humorous poem by Pope
(B) an allegorical narrative by Orwell
(C) a play by Arden
(D) a satirical sketch by Swift

44. 'A woman drew her long black hair out tight And fiddled whisper music on those strings'. From which section of Eliot's The Waste Land are the above lines taken ?
(A) A Game of Chess
(B) What the Thunder Said
(C) Burial of the Dead
(D) Fire Sermon

45. Which is the correct sequence of Achebe's African Trilogy ?
(A) Things Fall Apart - Arrow of God - No Longer At Ease
(B) No Longer At Ease - Arrow of God - Things Fall Apart
(C) Things Fall Apart - No Longer At Ease - Arrow of God
(D) Arrow of God - Things Fall Apart - No Longer At Ease

46. Which are the figures of speech used in the following lines by Blake
“Tyger, tyger, burning bright
In the forest of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry ?”

(A) simile and personification
(B) irony and synecdoche
(C) apostrophe and synecdoche
(D) metonymy and apostrophe

47. In which of the following American novels does 'the Valley of Ashes' occur ?
(A) Huck Finn
(B) The Red Badge of Courage
(C) Invisible Man
(D) The Great Gatsby

48. To whom is Chaucer referring when he says 'He knew the tavern well in every town' ?
(A) Pardoner
(B) Monk
(C) Squire
(D) Friar

49. “Poetry is a criticism of life under the conditions fixed for such a criticism by laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty”. Who, among the following, made the above statement ?
(A) Dr. Johnson
(B) Sidney
(C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Wordsworth

50. “She is inspired but diabolically inspired”. Who is this lady ?
(A) Candida
(B) Major Barbara
(C) Saint Joan
(D) Ann

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